Worship Minute: Heavenly Citizenship
Worship Minute: “But our citizenship is in heaven—and we also await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil. 3:20).
Are you discouraged and despaired as you look around at the political environment of our Nation in these days? I want to encourage you today by reminding us all that our citizenship is not in this world, our citizenship is in Heaven! Our hope and confidence is in Christ and the reality is that He is coming back, so we need to allow that to inform our citizenship as Americans.
We need to allow the Word of God to be our authority and not conform to the patterns of this world, but we need to allow the Bible to instruct us on how to be excellent citizens of the USA while we live here. Our Heavenly citizenship needs to inform and instruct our Earthly citizenship!
God bless you and may He help us all be excellent Americans as we await His return! Have a great week ~ Mark