Do You Think Before You Speak?

To be rash with our words is to be hasty in expressing them, to not give much thought to what we say and how we say it, to be afraid and terrified or anxious as we express them is another element of its use too. Pretty much I take it as speaking and doing things without giving it much thought.
I love being around someone who is patient and careful with their words! I usually will tend to listen more intently to what they have to say when they do speak because I know that they are choosing their words carefully. That is wisdom! To think through our responses, to listen to the other persons perspective, or the whole issue before offering up counsel, is so important and creates security for the other people involved.


Bill McMinn invites Mark Hostetler to join him on this episode of the Way to Go podcast in order to discuss refocusing ourselves in 2021. We are challenged to love God and others, and to serve one another, and to seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness above all else in the coming year.
God bless you!

Session 65: Re:Focus

Just talking with Mark about spiritual priorities for the new year.  Seek God, love, and service.  Hopefully it’s helpful to all who listen.  God bless!