Who is High and Lifted Up in Your Life? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

Your Great Name” by Natalie Grant

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Ps 99:1-3,
  • Rev 5:11-14,
  • Isa 61:1-2,
  • 1 Chron 29:10-13,

Devotional thought

There are many things that we can place as highly lifted up in our lives. Food, sex, people, drugs, God, position, money, and the list goes on forever! The choice we make when it comes to this battle of the exalted is what reveals our allegiance and level of faith.

To exalt something, or someone, is to lift it up, to raise high. Now the other element to this word is to have a longing for something, or someone. This makes so much sense to me, because when we have a longing in our heart that very thing is what becomes the high and lifted up focus of our mind, right? So, what is the longing of your heart right now? Answer that question and you will find exactly what you are choosing to exalt in your mind and heart.

It is my prayer that you have a deep longing for the Lord Jesus Christ, and that you make Him the exalted focus of your life! Hebrews 12:2 tells us to fix our eyes on Christ, and as we do this He will become the One the receives our exaltation! Is He the longing of your heart?

“My soul thirsts for God, the living God.”, those are the words of the Psalmist in Ps 42:2. Can you say that today? If not, what has taken the place of God in your life? What has your allegiance? What are you thirsting for? It is that very thing that must be de-throned from its highly exalted position, and Christ must be placed back upon that throne of Honor in your life! Do it now. Seek His forgiveness and remove the idol that has been placed in your Savior’s rightful place.

Jesus Christ is the Name above every other name. He is the One that God exalted, and the One that the hosts of heaven bow down to worship as they sing, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and praise!” Don’t wait till you see Him as the exalted One in Heaven to begin exalting Him in your life now. He is worthy of that right now! And just like in Heaven, His glory will begin to radiate all throughout your life as you lift Him to His rightful place!


O’ Lord, I do praise You and highly lift You up in my life. You truly are the Lamb that was slain and are worthy of all my allegiance! I am so sorry for having things in my life a times that replace your exalted position. I renounce any idols that I have, and I commit to keeping You as the Most High God in my life. Please help me Holy Spirit to implement this starting immediately. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.