You Are Not Alone! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

I Am Not Alone” by Kari Jobe

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

I believe one of the greatest fears for humans is to be alone. There is much we can endure, but only while someone walks alongside us through the issues of life. In Gen 2:18, God Himself says that it is not good for man to be alone. Is this one of the reasons that God has seen it fit to remind us all throughout His Word that HE IS WITH US?

My family and I have been binge watching a show called Alone. It has been interesting to watch the progression as they go on in isolation for days on end, their creature needs became very evident. It usually ends with people losing their drive to go on because they are missing the people in their lives so much. They could go on, but decide to “tap out” just because it is not worth it if they have to do it alone! There are many that have given up due to the isolation they feel.

There is so much comfort that comes with knowing someone is with us! We aren’t facing this life without help or community. Our Lord wants us to know that we are not facing anything in this life without Him being with us. Mary was told to name her Son Jesus, Immanuel, to assure us that God is with us. Psalm 23:4 reassures us that God walks through even the darkest valleys with us. His rod and staff provide protection and leadership in those dark valleys!

Are you going through a valley right now? Maybe today you need the reminder that you are not alone, God is with you! If you are a part of a church community, you have people that want to walk with you and pray for you, reach out to one or two of them and ask them to walk with you through your valley. I have found that people are eager to help in this way, but many times the one in the valley is either too shameful, or too afraid of being a burden to others, to ask someone for help.

The ministry of presence is a powerful tool in helping someone get through the most difficult of times. Let’s look for ways to be the hands and feet of Christ in providing the comforting presence of a friend who will pray and walk alongside people who need another to stand with them. God assures us that He is with us, and I feel that in many ways He works through His children to be a very tangible expression of His comfort to those who are hurting.

You are not alone!


Father God, You are such a comfort to me. I praise You for walking with me through this life, for not leaving me alone. You came to this world to be with me always! You will never leave me, and I trust You Lord. Please help me to recognize Your presence and to remember to have courage knowing that You are with me in everything. In Jesus’ Name, amen.