Worship Jesus, He Has Done Great Things! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Great Things” by Phil Wickham

Devotional thought

Honestly, it would not be possible to list all of the things God has done! The Apostle John said, “There are many other things that Jesus did. If every one of them were written down, I suppose the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” (John 21:25). I know that is so true, but it doesn’t mean we don’t try to remind ourselves often of all the He has done – not only for us but for all of humanity!

I am only going to list some of the things God has done from the song of the day:

  • He conquered the grave
  • Freed every captive
  • Breaks every chain holding us in bondage to sin
  • Awakens us to life!
  • He is our Savior
  • He has been faithful through every storm
  • All of His promises are yes and amen in Christ!
  • He is; above it all, unshakable, Savior, Hero of Heaven, and the King worthy of our worship!

So, the call of this song to come and worship our King is a very appropriate exhortation for all of us who have experienced the wonderful things God has and is doing for us! Just as God has not withheld any good things from us, we must not hold back our worship from Him. Let’s praise His name, reflect on what He has specifically done in our life, and tell others about it!


Oh Lord, I praise You for Your wonderful works that You are accomplishing in my life and those I love! You truly are worthy of my worship, and I give that to You even now! Holy Spirit, open my eyes to the realities of God’s activity in my life, and lead me into times of unhindered praise for all He is doing. In Jesus name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Ps 95:6,
  • Gal 5:1,
  • 2 Cor 1:20,
  • Ps 92:5,
  • Ps 86:10,

Memory Verse