How Can I See the Power of God in My Life? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Gracefully Broken” by Matt Redman (feat. Tasha Cobbs)

Devotional thought

So much of living for Christ is counter-intuitive! Surrender equals strength, foolishness is wisdom and earthy wisdom is foolishness, weakness is power, getting even is seeking an enemy’s blessing! What seem’s so our of whack to everyone else, makes complete sense to those of us who have seen God’s power working in us.

So, to the question asked in the title, we can only see God’s power to the level we are willing to give up our own! It is why Paul says that he boasts in his weaknesses, not that he is proud of his failures but because in his weaknesses God’s power is made evident.

Even Jesus begins the sermon on the mount with these opening words;

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.

Matthew 5:3 (NET 2nd ed.)

In the OT, the poor were those who cried out for God’s help, depended entirely on him for their needs, had a humble and contrite spirit, experienced his deliverance, and enjoyed his undeserved favor

CSB Study Bible: notes

God is attracted to our brokenness (not that He is pleased to see us make a mess of things, but when we acknowledge that we can’t do it without Him) and loves to be the Mighty One who delivers those who call upon Him for help! He wants to display His power.

We are “blessed” to see the power of God in our life when we choose to surrender our situations and strivings over to Him. I know that doesn’t sound/seem right, but believe me according to the Word of God it is the truth. Don’t fall for the supposed ”Bible verse” being declared by so many which says, ”God helps those who help themselves.” (which is found nowhere in the Bible!). Although we do have a part to play, that part is not our own strength, but to have an utter reliance upon the only One with the power and strength to intervene and deliver us in our specific area of need!


Thank You Lord for being the Mighty One which is somehow able to turn my weakness and brokenness into an opportunity to show Your power! You are so good to me, and I love You for not rejecting me when I come to You in need of Your intervention. You never leave me or forsake me, and You call me blessed when I am poor in spirit before You. Help me to live the surrendered life before You at all times. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Matt 5:3,
  • 2 Cor 12:9,
  • Ps 51:17 (NASB),
  • Ps 34:18,
  • 1 Cor 1:18-31,

Memory Verse