Song of the Day
“Come People of the Risen King” by Keith & Kristen Getty
Scripture to reflect upon
Devotional thought
People of the Risen King! What a great title to have for yourself. I am part of the people who belong to Jesus Christ, who is the Risen King! Are you?
Throughout the Scriptures we see this truth repeated, God is setting apart a people of His own! In Deuteronomy 7:6 it says, “For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. He has chosen you to be His people, prized above all others on the face of the earth.” God chose us! God chose you to be His very own special people! He has a plan and a purpose for your life and is going to be faithful to you as He carries out that plan!
1 Peter 2:9-10 reminds us that we were once not a people, not shown mercy, and living in darkness. We really were utterly hopeless and dying in sin, but now that God revealed Himself to us we do have mercy, we are living in the light, and we are His people! Oh, this is excellent news!
Why did God do this for us? There are many reasons, but going off of the reason stated in 1 Peter 2:9 it was so we could proclaim the praises (virtues) of Him who called us! God wants His people to praise Him! God wants His people to live a life of rejoicing! God wants His people to experience joy and to proclaim His goodness to all the world!
The verse that I highlighted to be our main verse, Ps 32:11, commands us to rejoice in the Lord and to be happy, to shout for joy! If you have been transformed by the power of the Gospel, what is holding you back today from rejoicing and declaring to everyone you know that you are God’s child? There is so many reasons to celebrate your position in God’s Kingdom, let’s do that people of the Risen King!
Questions for Reflection
- Are you grateful that you are part of God’s royal family, chosen by God?
- Would you say that your life is characterized by joy and godliness?
- If not, what needs to change, and are you willing to repent today?
Dear Heavenly Father, I am so grateful that You have included me as part of Your people! I praise You for being faithful to me and having a plan for my life! I submit myself to Your plans for me and I seek to live a life of joy! I love You Lord and I ask for Your Spirit to remind me of my position in You at all times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.