Hebrews 7:19 (NET)
“for the law made nothing perfect. On the other hand a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God.“
As I read through the Bible, I become very grateful to God for providing me access to Him through Jesus without having to conform to the Old Covenant way of doing this! I am reading through the Law books (the 1st five books of the Bible) right now as part of my journey through the entire Bible in a year, and right now I am in Numbers. In this portion of Scripture we are given insights into the tasks of a Priest, and let me tell you that this was hard work that was extremely detailed. Each step of the process was to be carried out with precision and to the standard of perfection set by God.
The work of the Priest was to make atonement for (that’s a big word to describe the means by which two opposing parties are brought together, to reconcile, to appease, to repair) the sins of the people and himself. This involved killing a perfect, blemish-free animal (because without blood there can be no remission of sins Heb. 9:22) in order to offer up a pleasing sacrifice that will appease God’s demand for sin to be punished. This happened annually by the High Priest, and throughout the year in other ways as well. It was a constant ritual that never made anything perfect, it just temporarily satisfied the righteous demands of God.
I hope you can see now why I am praising God that we do not have that same system of atonement to follow anymore! To rely on an imperfect human to carry out the requirements of a perfect God on my behalf does not really bring me much comfort, hope, security, or lasting peace. I want a final work of atonement! One that is established forever so that it doesn’t depend on any human ritual, or human anything for that matter!
Here is where the Scripture above comes into play, “a better hope is introduced”. This better hope is Jesus! He has become the High Priest that went before God and made the atonement final. He has become the new order of things. He fulfilled the Old order that was useless and weak (because it did not make us perfect) by His perfection, and He established a new order that actually gives us (sinful people) access into the place which no-one but the high Priest could go – near God in the Most Holy Place. He has initiated the New Covenant (covenant means a binding agreement) by His perfect sacrifice once for all. His blood is the propitiation (atonement, or means by which we and God are brought together in unity) that pleased God forever, and gives us access to Him at anytime we need Him! This gives me immense hope, and I pray that it does you as well!
If you are trying to draw near to God by any other way but through Jesus, it will not work. He is the means by which we have access into the Holy place with God. He is the final Way, there is no need for anything else. That is great news for us! No more useless rituals in hopes to measure up to the standard of perfection, His sacrifice has perfected us who call upon him for salvation! Heb. 7:25 says that Jesus is able to save completely those who come to God through Him. Does that inspire worship in your heart? Give him praise right now! Thank Him for doing this for us! Worship Him for taking the penalty of our sins (make it personal, your sin – confession might be necessary at this point) upon Himself, and paying the price that we were supposed to pay – death. Sing a song to Him, shout from the housetop, sit in silence, tell others, or whatever you need to do to proclaim the goodness of God to provide such hope for all of us! Hallelujah, what a Savior!