I am so excited to sing and worship alongside of my church family this Sunday! Do you still get excited about that? Are you anticipating an encounter with the Lord Most High this Sunday (or whenever you worship Him!)? I hope you are, and I pray that you do have an encounter with the Lord!
This Sunday (4/25/21), we have a great set list of songs ready at Eagleville Bible Church that will give us opportunities to praise God and worship Him for the power and authority that His Name holds! Here are those songs and the Scriptures that go along with them:
- At Your Name, (YouTube link)
- Ps 138:1-3,
- 1 Sam 2:2,
- 1 Chron 17:20,
- Ps 96:11,
- Ps 97:1-6,
- Come People of the Risen King, (YouTube link)
- Ps 43:4,
- Heb 13:15,
- Ps 96:8,
- Ps 30:5,
- Eph 4:6,
- Forever Reign,(YouTube link)
- Ps 119:68,
- Ps 86:5,
- 1 John 4:8,
- Rom 15:13,
- John 8:12,
- John 1:4,
- Phil 3:8,
- Broken Vessels, (YouTube link)
- 2 Cor 4:6-7,
- Gal 5:1,
- Rom 7:24-25,
- Jer 18:3-6,
- Awesome is the Lord Most High,(YouTube link)
- Job 9:4,
- Ps 119:75,
- Ps 143:1,
- Isa 6:8,
- Gen 14:22,
- Ps 97:9,
Devotional Thought
“At Your name the mountain shake and crumble!” This is a line from the first song that we are doing this Sunday at Eagleville Bible Church. I am just simply overwhelmed at the reality of how wonderful the name of God is, and how much power is in the proclamation of that Name. But there are questions of why the name of God is so magnificent. So let’s talk about that.
The name of God is high above any other name, as it says in Philippians chapter 2. Jesus Christ was given the name that is above every other name so that at His name every knee should bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord (see Phil 2:6-11). There has to be an understanding in each of our hearts and minds of who God is and why we are to worship Him before we can truly understand the power that comes along with this great name though.
He is the Lord Most High, He is high and exalted (that means to be lifted up) above all other things in all of the universe! Although that sounds great, and it is great, this does nothing unless it gets applied into our own lives – personally. I can’t stress enough the importance of a personal relationship with this Most High King that I am talking about, namely Jesus Christ. You see each one of us is a broken vessel that needs repaired, because we all have sinned and have fallen short of God‘s glory (see Rom 3:23). Each one of us has an eternal problem – we are separated from God because of the sins that we commit. We need a Savior who is going to fight for us and is on our side. This Savior is Jesus Christ and Acts 4:12 tells us that there is no other Name by which we can be saved than the Lord Jesus Christ!
Until we come into a relationship with Him, these quotes about Jesus being the Most High God, and Him being highly exalted in the universe, really don’t affect us in a personal way. Yes, they are great philosophical thoughts that intrigue us, but until they are applied to our experience we really don’t know how to respond to them. When we do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ it seems almost fanatical the way in which people that do have that relationship worship and talk about Jesus, because you can’t describe it and can’t understand it until it takes root and shape in your heart through faith.
“There is no one like our God, we will praise you!”
At Your Name – Phil Wickham
“Come people of the risen King, who delight to bring Him praise!”
Come People of the Risen King – Keith and Kristen Getty
“You are good, You are good, and there’s nothing good in me!” “My heart will sing no other name but Jesus.”
Forever Reign- Hillsong
These are just some of the lyrics that we are going to sing, because we understand that our awesome and most high King deserves our praise and adoration! We know, those of us who have experienced and tasted the Lord‘s goodness, that without Him there is absolutely nothing good in us. It is only by His grace and love that is applied into our lives that we have salvation and hope for the future! This truly is, “Amazing Grace! Oh how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.”
In order to fully understand the gift that has been given to each of us in Christ, we have to come to the realization of who we once were without Him. We were sinners, broken, and without hope in this world. He takes our weaknesses though, our failures, and in His mercy He renews our lives through His Spirit! This is the miracle of the regeneration of Jesus Christ (see Titus 3:4-7)! This is the good news that saved a wretch like me! I’ve been set free, you’ve been set free, and all those who come to receive the grace offered in Jesus have been set free from the power and penalty of sin! We have been set free!
This is the real reason that we lift our hands in worship, sing from the top of our lungs, and acknowledge that the Most High Lord is worthy of all of the praise and adoration we can lavish on Him! That is why we who follow Jesus can at times seem fanatical, because we are! If it is acceptable to jump up and down over a great pass that our favorite quarterback throws into the end zone for a game winning touchdown, or our favorite race car driver wins a race in dramatic fashion, or we receive a gift we have wanted for a long time, then I think it is extremely appropriate for all who know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior to show the same amount (actually much, much more!) of enthusiasm as we get reminded of what Christ has saved us from!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah! How awesome is the Lord Most High!
Awesome is the Lord Most High – Chris Tomlin
So I really truly hope that you do have an encounter with the awesome and Most High King of the universe, Jesus Christ. I pray that this week is full of reminders of the God Almighty who loves you and who sent His Son to show you that love. He does not desire that any should perish (see 2 Pet 3:9) but that everyone would come to Him and receive the life that He has purchased for us in Jesus Christ (see John 10:10). This is why we sing, this is why we raise our hands in worship, this is why we adore our Majestic King, Jesus Christ!
God bless you!