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At Eagleville Bible Church, we want to be there for you wherever you go. You’ll find an encouraging message here whether it’s in the form of a podcast, sermon, or song. Our Way To Go podcast. Our Woven Womans Podcast, Our Weekly Sermons, and our worship teams music..

Be a Good Influence for Jesus

This week, we explore two of Jesus’ parables: the mustard seed and the yeast. These stories, though simple, illustrate profound truths about the Kingdom of God. Both the mustard seed and yeast start small, yet their impact is transformative, growing into something far greater than their beginnings.

Jesus describes the Kingdom as something that begins humbly, like a mustard seed planted in a field, or yeast worked into dough. Over time, these small, unassuming actions produce growth and permeate their surroundings, much like the Gospel transforms lives and communities.

The parables remind us to trust in the power of small acts of faith. A kind word, a prayer, or sharing the Gospel may seem minor but can lead to extraordinary change. They also challenge us to consider the influence we bring into the world: Are we planting seeds of faith and working the yeast of the Gospel into every area of our lives?

As we reflect on this message, let’s be encouraged by the power of God’s truth to grow and transform. Small beginnings can have eternal impact when rooted in His Kingdom. Let’s remain confident, persistent, and intentional in being a good influence for Jesus.