Ecclesiastes 9:9 (NET)
“Enjoy life with your beloved wife during all the days of your fleeting life
that God has given you on earth during all your fleeting days;
for that is your reward in life and in your burdensome work on earth.”
Yes!! I was blessed to be able to get away with my wife for a week recently, and I agree with this Scripture when it commands us to enjoy time together as a married couple. It was so refreshing to get away and enjoy ourselves without distraction.
Our time together really ministered to us and was so refreshing. The other thing that it did is it gave me a fresh sense of worship to the Lord! It is amazing how much a Spirit at rest is a Spirit that worships freely. It is spectacular to feel the sense of praise and worship rise up in you when you get into an environment where you can see the reflection of a beautiful Creator within His creation!
Our lives are fleeting and full of labor. Especially for us men (certainly not limited to men though), so we need to prioritize time together with the wives (spouses) that God has blessed us with. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily activities and become numb to the lack of connection that has formed between us and our spouses! Nobody is to be blamed for it (most of the time) it is just a reality that happens to every couple. That is why self examination and asking your spouse the questions that matter (e.g. how are you doing?, are you feeling rested or do you need a break?, where can I take you to help you feel cared for and loved? how can I bless you?, etc.) are so important!
"You established the cycle of day and night; you put the moon and sun in place. You set up all the boundaries of the earth; you created the cycle of summer and winter." Psalm 74:16–17 (NET)
In case you are wondering, we went to Panama City Beach, Florida. I would strongly recommend this location for anyone wanting to take a vacation in Florida. It is along the Pan-handle on the Gulf Coast in the stretch called ‘Emerald Coast’. The beaches are amazing, the water is beautiful, and you are able to get a great view of the sunrise and sunset over water (depending on the time of year, I think). It is a bit commercialized, but we didn’t really mind that too much (we sort of expected it). All-in-all it is a great spot to get away with each other!
“It doesn’t matter where you are going, it’s who you have beside you.”
— Anonymous
When Chasidy and I spend time together, we usually try to enrich ourselves with study and devotion to the Lord, as well as each other. We both understand the need for us to individually be healthy in our faith and connection with God, so we encourage that each and every day (even when we are on vacation!). I love to read to my wife and then discuss what we studied together. I love to hear her pray! What I have found is that when we take that time to connect with the Lord, our connection becomes so much stronger as a result. There is no greater feeling than to be at peace with the Lord and in harmony with your spouse! It is precious and I hope that all people will be able to experience this great treasure in life!
Anyways, I know that this isn’t the most “Spiritually” sounding post there is, but I do believe that this principle of rest and refreshment with the spouse God has blessed us with is truly one of the most important teachings of Scripture! I hope that you enjoy the pictures, and that you take opportunities to enjoy your spouse and God today! God bless you.
What is your favorite get away spot?
How do you like to spend your time on vacation?
Leave your comments below. Thank you
Also, here is a link to a great sermon that was preached by my Pastor, Bill McMinn, at Eagleville Bible Church: Making Marriage Great, and it is based on Ecclesiastes 9:7-10 and this topic.