Song of the Day
“Grace” by Steve Fee
Scripture to reflect upon
- Eph 2:8-9,
- Titus 2:11-12,
- 2 Cor 12:9,
- 2 John 1:3,
- John 1:14,
- Rom 5:20-6:1,
- Rom 6:14,
Devotional thought
Grace is one of the easiest doctrine’s to teach, but one of the hardest to understand! You mean unmerited favor is mine in Jesus? How can that be?
I like the acronym for grace that says:
- G.od’s
- R.iches
- A.t
- C.hrist’s
- E.xpense
According to Ephesians 1:3, every blessing in the heavenly realms is ours in Christ Jesus! We do not deserve to receive these promises, but they are lavished on us from the Father as we trust in Jesus to be our Savior. The greatest of these gifts is being forgiveness of our sins (in my humble opinion!).
Jesus came into this world full of grace and truth. In Him we find the fulfillment of the righteous requirements of the law. We are now under a new covenant of grace because of the perfect sacrifice He made on the cross. The penalty for our sins were laid upon Him, and now when we come to Him by faith His righteousness gets imputed (deposited) into our spiritual account!
Now some may argue that this teaching will produce a bunch of reckless, licentious sinners who take advantage of the grace Christ offers. I could never really understand this argument, because Paul tells us in Titus 2:11-12 that those who receive the grace of Christ in their lives are being taught by it! Taught to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live a sober, righteous, and godly life!
Also, Paul tells us that it is absurd to think that we would continue to sin since we are covered by grace! Why, because once grace takes hold of our heart we become slaves to righteous living and joy! Those of us who have tasted the sweetness of forgiveness never want to return to sin’s souring effects ever again!
When I sing the lyrics of this song, declaring that grace is greater than all my sin, I am picturing the overwhelming affects of grace in my life to rule over sinfulness in me! It literally drives out sin because its affects are greater in my transformed life than sin is! All of my weaknesses are now not controlling me through shame, but they are offered up as imperfections before the Father who transforms them into opportunities to highlight His strength! Hallelujah!
Dear Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for this doctrine of grace that is found in Jesus! I praise You for being gracious and for forgiving me of all of my sins! Help me to utilize grace in my life to cast out all sinfulness in me, and to live a sober and righteous life for You! In Jesus Name. Amen