He is Still God in Every Season! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Desert Song” by Hillsong

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Rom 8:16-17,
  • Ps 118:28,
  • Ps 31:14,
  • Isa 54:17,
  • Deut 20:4,
  • Deut 31:8,
  • Ps 77:6-15,

Devotional thought

I find comfort in knowing that the people in the Bible sometimes felt like God abandoned them and that He was inactive in their lives! Why? Because there are times that I (and I ‘m sure you reading this) feel the same way.

  • Where is God in this season of my life?
  • Am I left to fend for myself right now Lord?
  • All I need is a word from You Lord, where are you?

These are just a few of the questions that I know I have asked, because I entered a new season with an unsure outcome that left me feeling insecure. Insecure in my adequacy, which resulted in a lack of trust in God’s ability to adequately provide. It is not something that I am proud of, but I confess in all transparency.

So, what should we do when there are those “desert” seasons of life? The good news is that the same people who show us their wrestling in the Bible also show us how to navigate through them! Take Psalm 77 for an example. Asaph transparently talks of his struggle’s in Ps 77:7-9, where he asked questions like;

  • “Will God reject us forever?”
  • “Has His unfailing love vanished forever?”
  • “Has He forgotten to be merciful?”

Then in verses 10-15 he goes on to say that he chose to remember the God of miracles that He knows was faithful to him and the Israelites. He says that he will remember and pray, meditate and consider all the works of God! This is exactly what we must do if we feel like God is not with us. Remember the days we did encounter God, usually in times of desperation, and give Him praise for those moments.

“I will bring praise” is a declaration we sing in our song of the day, and I believe that the decision to bring our praise will help us to get through those days we feel deserted and alone. We have to remind ourselves that God is with us and that He is our God no matter what season we are in! We have a reason to sing, we have a reason to worship! He is God and good at all times.


Heavenly Father, I praise You today for Your faithfulness toward me. I appreciate Your loyal love and consistency. I never have to doubt whether You are with me, because Your Word reassures me of this promise. I am sorry when I do doubt this and allow the circumstances of my life to convince me that You have left me. Thank You for reminding me today that You will never leave or forsake me. I praise You, in Jesus’ Name. Amen