Song of the Day
“10,000 Reasons” by Matt Redman
Devotional thought
I have one chapter in the Bible that I am asking you to turn to and study for this devotional today, Psalm 103! This text does such a great job of reminding us of all that we have to bless the Lord for in our lives.
In it we see that the Lord; forgives sins, heals diseases, delivers us, crowns us with love and compassions, satisfies our life with good thing, and on and on it goes! Have you blessed the Lord yet today? If not, maybe just stop right now and do so, or read the Psalm for yourself and proclaim a blessing (which simply means to praise the Lord) whenever it lists something worthy of our praise!
I have heard it said before that if you are having a bad day to sit down and start listing all the good things in your life. Maybe you need to start with the simple things like; thank you for the air You have given me to breathe, thank You for clean water, thank You for my spouse and children, thank You… Before long, your attitude begins to change and joy is reintroduced to your soul!
Bless the Lord and forget not all His benefits child of God! I promise that 10,000 blessings is just the beginning place for the many reasons we can utter praise to the God who saved us!
Dear Father, You are so worthy to receive blessings and honor from my lips. I bless Your Name even now for the Salvation and peace You have granted my heart! Please remind me to return to that place of blessing You whenever I am tempted to be caught up in despair. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Scripture to reflect upon
(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)
- Ps 103:1-22,
- Ps 103:1 (NASB),
Memory Verse