Is The King of kings Your King? Worship Devotional

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Song of the Day

“King of kings” by Hillsong Worship

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

Jesus bore the burden of our sin on the cross, He died the death we deserved, and was raised to life again to live forever in Heaven with the Father! He did this to redeem the whole creation, to reconcile the lost to the Father through Himself. Our King of kings provided us all eternal life through His Name!

The question that must be asked in response to this truth is this, “Where is your citizenship?” Who is your King? Have you claimed the new life found in the only true God? See, citizenship is a choice we make, because it is us who decides who, or what, we are going to serve and what nation we are going to be loyal to. So, is the Kingdom of Heaven your home, your allegiance, your place of residence?

This Christmas season we are reminded that God almighty, the God of glory, the majestic King, brought Heaven to Earth in His Son, Jesus Christ! He did this to redeem the whole creation to Himself. His purpose was to erase the lines of separation between Himself and the nations of the world, and to make it possible for all the nations of the world to unite around One Kingdom – Heaven! When we choose to claim the King of kings as our very own King, we become a part of that eternal, celestial Kingdom forever! Hallelujah!

Surely we can join the chorus all around the world and sing out,

“Praise the Father, Praise the Son, Praise the Spirit, three in One! Praise forever to the King of kings!”

From start to finish this song declares the whole story of Christ coming to the earth , dying, and being raised from the dead. It excites me to know that many in our congregation sing these words, and that the Gospel message will stick with us throughout the week as a reminder of the wonderful plan of God being applied to our lives!


Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for wonderful songs like this! I praise You for the gospel that has saved me! You are the King of kings and Lord of lords in my life and I will forever praise You! I love You Lord and ask that You help me to declare this gospel message to everyone around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.