Song of the Day
“Angels from the Realms of Glory” by Paul Baloche
Scripture to reflect upon
- Ps 86:9,
- Matt 2:11,
- Ps 25:5 (NIV),
- Luke 2:8-20,
- Rev 4:11,
Devotional thought
The Christmas season is upon us! It is a wonderful time of year that promotes kindness, joy, and peace. I love Christmas and all that this holiday is about!
I have been thinking about the Shepherds in the fields that seen an Angel of the Lord on the night of Jesus’ birth! It must have been overwhelming to see the radiance of an Angelic being, literally an angel from the realms of glory! The Scripture tells us that these Shepherds were “absolutely terrified” (see Luke 2:9)! I can understand that!
I love how the Angel responds, “Don’t be afraid!”. Then he goes on to tell them why they should not fear! The Savior of the world was born in the City of David! He tells them that this Baby is the Christ, the Lord!
How about us today? Does that truth cause us not to fear? Does the reality of Emmanuel calm our fears and give us direction for our lives? It did for the Shepherds! They immediately left the fields and went to Bethlehem and found Mary, Joseph, and the Baby lying in a manger. They told the people all that happened to them, and the people were astonished!
Again, does this message astonish us? Do we stand amazed at the Divine becoming a Babe?
After the Shepherds seen everything just as they had been told by the Angelic being, they left there “glorifying and praising God” ! Do you respond to the reality of Christ the King dwelling in you with praise?
This thing that happened in Bethlehem is happening in hearts all around the world! People are responding to the invitation to have peace with God through a Divine experience with the Christ who dwells in the realm of glory forever! Have you?
Worship the God of our salvation today, thanking Him for giving us the Christ for our peace!
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for sending the Christ so many years ago to provide salvation for all of mankind! Thank You God for saving me through the Name of Jesus. I pray that you help me to remain astounded by the miracle of the Divine becoming a Babe. Forgive me God for losing perspective and becoming complacent in my worship of You and all that You have done for me. I love You Lord and thank You for being my Emmanuel. In Jesus’ name. Amen.