Praying for the Glory of the Lord to be Revealed! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Open Up the Heavens” by Vertical Worship

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

In the song Open Up the Heavens we join together in lifting up the bridge where it joins with Moses’ voice in saying, “Show us, show us Your glory. Show us, show us Your power..” To cry out for God to reveal His glory is in essence to ask Him to manifest His presence, grant salvation to the lost, and for blessing to rain down from heaven!

I know that is a prayer of mine! How about you? Do you long to see the glory of the Lord revealed in our day? I know that it may be a strange this to ask for, because we have a hard time capturing the real meaning of such a request.

God’s glory, according to the Scriptures, is like a devouring fire, weighty, bright, indwelling, and reflective – among other things! When the glory of the Lord showed up int the Temple dedicated by Solomon, it was so heavy that the priests couldn’t even keep ministering because of the cloud that filled the place! Can you imagine an encounter with the Glory of God like that? When the presence of God is so weighty, thick, all-consuming that all we can do is be still in awe of who He is?

Reverence, awe, and worship is the result of the revelation of God’s glory. And I know that right now our culture needs to revisit the necessity of restored worship and reverence before the Holy God of the Universe!

Maybe it is you that needs to be reminded of the importance of worshiping the Lord and seeking His glory in your life? I want to encourage you to sing the song of the day and to make it your prayer today! Cry out to the Lord to show you His glory. Ask Him to unveil your eyes, to see Him more clearly, and to reflect His glory to others! That is a prayer that our Lord loves, and He will answer anyone who desires to see His glory.


Oh God of Glory, I praise Your majestic and holy Name! I appreciate the times You have shown me Your glory, and I seek You now to show me Your glory even more God. I desire to see Your beauty in my life, the life of my family, my community, my Church, and my country! Oh God, revive us! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.