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Listen To Sermons On The Go!

At Eagleville Bible Church, we want to be there for you wherever you go. You’ll find an encouraging message here whether it’s in the form of a podcast, sermon, or song. Our Way To Go podcast. Our Woven Womans Podcast, Our Weekly Sermons, and our worship teams music..

Protect Your Marriage

Protecting What’s Important

Scripture Reading: Genesis 20
Key Challenge: Genesis 20:1f

In this episode, we explore the theme of protecting what’s most important in our lives—especially our relationships. Abraham’s repeated mistake of lying about Sarah reveals how easily we can compromise the things that matter most. We discuss the importance of setting healthy boundaries, prioritizing time together, and remaining accountable in our commitments. Drawing from Abraham’s story and God’s intervention with Abimelek, we emphasize that guarding our relationships requires trust, integrity, and relying on God’s guidance.