
In this sermon starting in Isaiah 52 Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Understand God’s Role in Mayhem”.
-God Strengthens
-God Speaks
-God Saves

Avoid the Potholes of Life

In this sermon from 1 Kings 22:24, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Do Right”.

-Avoid unjust behavior
-Avoid disguising yourself
-Avoid doing dumb stuff
-Avoid running from God

Truth about Deception

In this sermon from 1 Kings 22, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Detect Deception” Ask yourself:

-Is this necessary?
-Is it True?
-Am I being decieved?

Change is Possible

In this sermon from 1 Kings 21:27, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Start the Process of Change”.
-Change requires listening
-Change reaches the heart
-Change is seen in concrete actions
-Change is aided by humility

Changing Your Thinking

In this sermon starting in 1 Kings 19:9, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Move forward with the right thinking”

-Question Yourself
-Don’t Expect God to Owe You Anything
-Don’t Focus On What Others Are Doing
-Listen For God’s Voice
-Trust God To Have It Under Control

Ditching Discouragement

In this sermon starting in 1 Kings 19:1 Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Deal with Discouragement”
-Guard against lows
-Don’t trust your feelings
-Take positive steps to deal with discouragement

Radical Revival

In this sermon starting in 1 Kings 18:37, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Re-connect with God”.

-Revival stars with prayer
-Revival is recognizing who is God
-Revival is repentance

Moving Forward in Faith

In this sermon from 1 Timothy chapter 1, Pastor Bill McMinn highlights similarities between the Lord pouring out His grace on Paul, to the life and ministry of the late Pastor Steve Arsulic with a challenge to “keep moving forward in faith”.

Radical Faith

In this sermon from 1 Kings 18 Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Walk in Radical Faith”

-Radical faith isn’t worried about pleasing the crowd

-Radical faith does not waver, it commits

-Radical faith prays for big things- believing

Beauty of Bethlehem

In this sermon from Luke 2, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “trust God; He’s got a plan and it’s under control.”

-God orchestrates the WHEN

-God influenced the WILL of the people

-God directs the WHERE

-God plans to SAVE US