In this sermon from Philippians 1:15 Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to focus on the right things through difficult seasons. The main takeaways are:
-Rejoice no matter what
-Be confident about your future
-Amplify Christ
-Be good with whatever happens
-Help Others
Peace and Blessings
More Powerful Sermon Only
In this sermon fromPhilippians 1:12-14 Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to see the good in the pain. The main takeaways are:
-God is more powerful than your pain
-God has a purpose in your pain
-God strengthens through your pain
May God bless you as you focus on Him!
The Truth About Words (Sermon Only)
In this sermon from James 3:6 Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to use our words responsibly. The main takeaways are:
-Words Should Be Treated Like Fire
-Words Should Be Controlled
-Words Should Be Consistent With Faith
May God bless you as you engage with His word today!
Word Management (Sermon Only)
In this sermon Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Control your words and control your life”. The main points are:
-Control Your Words
-Make Your Words Count For Good
-Control Your Future With Cautious Words
Thank you for watching and worshipping with us today! May God bless you.
True Religion
In this sermon from James 1:26-27, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to live out a True Religion. True Religion:
-means we control our tongue
-means we help those in need
-means we avoid worldly stains
May God bless you as you live out His word this week!
Listen More: Say Less
Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to Listen More and Say Less.
Main Takeaways:
-Be Quick to Listen
-Be Slow to Talk
May God bless you has you listen and apply these truths!
Stop Worrying
Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to stop worrying based on the passage from Matthew 6:25-34. Here are the main points:
-Realize life is bigger than worries
-Know that God provides
-Understand that worry accomplishes nothing
-Trust that good is coming
-God knows what you need before you ask
-Align your priorities
May you trust in the Lord as you stop worrying.
Wisdom Says…
Pastor Steve Arsulic takes us through Ecclesiastes chapter 3 in order to encourage us to stay faithful to the Lord and strong in our faith no matter what the current situations we find ourselves in as we live our lives. In order to do this, we have to ask the question, “What does wisdom say?” often, and then follow what wisdom we do find in the Word of God.
We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and that you will be safe this New Year!
God bless you!
Lessons From Christmas
Pastor Mark and Pastor Bill talk about lessons we can all learn from when it comes to Christmas.
Key take aways:
-We are highly favored
-God keeps His promises
-God uses ordinary people
-We can be forgiven
Merry Christmas!
Salvation in the Real World (Full Service)
Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. we are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless you. If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. Thank you.