The Message that Moves Us Out of the Grave and Into Life! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Your Love Awakens Me” by Phil Wickham

Devotional thought

So, for the song of the day to make any sense to us we must understand what God did for us! He literally called us out of the grave, took us from death to life, and awakened us to the spiritual deadness we were experiencing – without us even realizing it.

God doesn’t only save us from being bad to being good, He takes us from death to life! That is the power of the Gospel my friends! His love is what does that for us, because it compels Him to have compassion and to be gracious to us. He changes us from the inside out.

Once we were not His people, now we are! There was a time we were dead in our sins, now we are alive in His Son Jesus Christ! We didn’t deserve His mercy, now He has lavished it on us without restriction. Are you being awakened even now as you read these words? I hope so because this truth is what gives us the passion and eagerness to face the day knowing that our existence matters!

It is a powerful truth my friends! And, I pray that it encourages you to face this day with life and energy, hope and confidence, and intentionality as you sense the light of Christ shining through you to others around you!

You have an awakening power within you called the Holy Spirit, and He is pointing you to all truth. So, child of God, live and walk in that truth, because it will awaken us and set us all free as it gives us the power to live life to the fullest! Hallelujah!


Father God, I praise You for Your awakening grace! Your love truly has transformed me from being a dead person to now experiencing life to the fullest! I love You Lord and thank You for the Truth that empowers me to live my life in the light of Christ! Please help me to live an awakened life for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

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Memory Verse