The Scariest Thing

READ: Job 1:6

CHALLENGE: Hang Onto Your Faith No Matter What


Vv6-7One day the angels came to present themselves before the Lord,

One day the angels came to present themselves”.  One day.  An unspecified day to us but a day that they all knew to show up.  “The Jews believed this meeting happened on New Year’s Day and the second session on the Day of Atonement.  This was a preliminary judgment when the names of the upright were recorded in the book of life and the names of the wicked were removed.  Those whose character was marginal received a grace period until the Day of Atonement; at that time their repentance was accepted or rejected and their fate determined”. NICOT

Apparently the Jewish people have believed in a set meeting day of the angels for a long time.  The Bible simply says that on one day the angels came to present themselves.  Job doesn’t say what day the meeting happened and we don’t believe our name gets written in the book of life via our personal good deeds.  Heaven comes through faith in Jesus Christ who died on the cross to remove our sins so we must believe in Him.

The term “angels” is translated from a phrase that means “sons of God”.  Here it’s clearly a reference to “heavenly creatures”.  Psalm 29:1Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength

These angels were servants of God appointed for specific jobs.  They were also known as “messengers” and that’s actually the meaning of the word, “angel”.  The angels announced the birth of Jesus Christ to Mary and to the shepherds.  Angels helped Jesus before the crucifixion.  Angels communicated truth in the Old Testament as well. 

What are they doing here?  They are “presenting” themselves.  They come to stand in the presence of God and to give an account  Zechariah 6:5The angel answered me, “These are the four spirits of heaven, going out from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole world

Imagine the responsibility and awe of standing in the presence of the ruler of the entire world.  The entire universe.  Perhaps you can imagine those angels singing, “holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty”.  He is worthy!  Obviously this is an ultra holy and reverent scene as they report to God and give an accounting for what they’ve been doing.   

God is sovereign meaning that God is in control which is a huge theme in this book.  No matter what happens or what goes on in the world, He’s in control.  All spiritual power is reporting back to Him.  Do you believe in God’s sovereignty? This will be more evident as the book unfolds. 

Any way, there is an unexpected wrinkle in this story and a huge explanation as to why Job is about to experience unfathomable pain.  Satan also comes into this holy place.  It’s mind boggling…AND SATAN ALSO CAME WITH THEM.


V6B-7 – and Satan also came with them. The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, “From roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.”

And Satan also came with them.  With the angels.  In heaven.  In front of God.  It’s preposterous.  In God’s council where there are open discussions ongoing, Satan came in also.  Separate.  Distinct.  I can’t stop thinking about it. 

When you think of the temple there was the holy of holies.  Only the high priest could enter and only once a year after making atonement.  If you came in unworthy, you’d be dead.  Remember the sons of Aaron who brought incense that wasn’t right?  They were scorched for that.  There was no tolerance for the light treatment of God.

Yet in the true holy of holies, Satan showed up.  God in his sovereignty has a conversation about Job.  As far as we know, the devil still presents himself there.  Was he summoned there?  Does he have an official role as an adversary in this world?  He’s called the god of this age and prince of this world. 

  • Satan is an Accuser

The name “Satan” has the article in front of it so it’s a title rather than a name.  And his title becomes his name.  “The Adversary”.  “The Accuser”.  It’s a role that he has in this world. 

Christ is also a title because it means “Messiah” but it’s become part of Jesus’ name as well.  Some suggest that in this scenario he would fill the role of prosecuting attorney of the heavenly council.  However, he’s not just pointing out issues, he’s a destructive and malevolent force.  He may be the one who baits you into the crime. 

A true prosecutor is a great role in society because they do help stop evil.  Who would mind pointing out unlawfulness and working toward changes in the wayward person?  However, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.  He filled Judas Iscariot’s heart as well.  He’s not helping, he’s causing problems. 

Satan is, “ the accuser”.  Accusation can point out the bad in the bad and it’s not always wrong.  It can be an alarm that throws light on things that need to be seen.  The bad side of accusation is that it can also throw shade on good people.  An accuser may paint a picture of someone that is completely false.  And that needs to be categorized exactly where it belongs it’s evil.  It’s devil stuff.

He’s a finger pointer.  How bad is he?  He even pointed his finger at God in the Garden of Eden.  The God who is good with no darkness in Him at all.  What does Satan say to Eve.  God just doesn’t want you to have the knowledge he has.  He’s holding back.  There’s something bad about God.

Don’t be surprised at the kind of thoughts that would accuse God of wrong-doing today.  People run around pointing fingers at God all the time even though he’s good. 

Revelation 12:9-10The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.

He’s constantly accusing and that’s his role.  I would caution all against those finger pointing ways.  Or trying to make something that isn’t bad, look bad.  I’ll come back to this in a few minutes.

Dark Stands in Light

I’d like to point out another intriguing thought.  Satan can so easily walk into heaven and that is a bit disconcerting.  It shows there’s much we don’t understand in our few short theological precepts.  The reality of this universe is much larger than pat answers – that’s for certain.

We note that Satan is accountable to God and that gives some comfort.  He cannot do anything without God’s permission and that’s hopeful as well. 

So I wrestle through the Satan being around a holy God.  When it comes to the blending of darkness and light, I think to what Jesus said.  The darkness hates the light because their deeds are evil.  People who do not want to be accountable to God will not typically flock into church, that’s for certain.  Wouldn’t Satan want to avoid God? 

So, what’s this about?  He’s tattle-taling on people.  He’s like a spy ratting out the bad and turning them in.  There’s a purpose as he stirs the pot.  Let’s consider the fact that evil can be among us.  If Satan can stand next to the angels and be among them, he will have no problem being in a church worship service. 

One day when Jesus healed a demon possessed person, they were in the synagogue.  When Jesus met the demon possessed man, that lunatic came toward Jesus.  Why did the one demon possessed woman keep crying out that Paul knew the way of salvation.  It’s tough to figure.  While we don’t understand why, let’s understand the possibility.  Darkness is drawn to the light and the motives are not good. 

The Bible teaches that he actually masquerades as an angel of light. 

2 Corinthians 11:13-15For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

Paul said that some were masquerading as apostles of Christ, but they weren’t that.  Satan also masquerades as a messenger of light.  He’s NOT light but he’ll mimic it.  He’s a deceiver and some believers today are as deceived as Eve. 

Some of these so called Christians are way more filled with darkness than light.  Masquerading.  I bet Satan acted all pious too.  Why the charade?  Why do some so called Christians talk so uprightly while walking like the world?  Like the one pastor caught in sexual indiscretion.  He said, “There’s a difference between my holy church life and my personal life”.  There shouldn’t be.  What are you doing?!  Why do you even want to be in the light and be in the dark?  It’s so wildly inconsistent.    

Well, let’s go to nature.  Even a snake will lie in the open on a rock on a sunny day and warm himself.  Perhaps snakes enjoy the sunny warmth of a church.  How would we know?  Look at their fruit not at their words.   Look for the Satan pattern of accusation and division. 

Satan wants Job to look bad.  He tried to divide Job from God.  Satan points fingers and that’s a great reason for us not to follow suit.  This is what Satan wants.  He wants you mad at God.  He wants you mad at church.  Mad at Christians.  Please don’t participate in that nonsense.  Attacking Christians is not God-stuff. 

I’ve heard some crazy statements lately.  It’s just Satanic shade.  Smear.  Lies.  Accusation.  That’s the devil’s work.  Note it for what it is. 

When you’re trying to destroy the work of God, that’s not of God.  As Jesus said, a house divided cannot stand and God is not actively working against himself.  Yet believers will take a stand against other good believers or churches and think they’re doing God’s work.  You will not hear me ripping on other ministries. 

We need to be careful that we don’t insert ourselves into the position of prosecutor of other believers either.  While the Bible teaches discernment it does remind us that we are not the judge of God’s servants. 

Jesus said that you’ll know them by their fruits.  We certainly don’t want to be like Michael Corleone renouncing the works of Satan while simultaneously having people murdered. 

When you’re all holy and pompous self is getting drunk or being immoral, stop pontificating.  We see it for what it is.  Be wise. 

V7 – What’s he been up to?  He’s been roaming around.  To and fro.  Perhaps we can understand that Satan’s been hunting!  1 Peter 5:8Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Someday Satan will be bound and thrown into the abyss.  Remember the demons begged Jesus not to be thrown into the abyss before their time.  This day is not yet. 

There is evil in this world and our theology needs to face that reality.  Satan was in God’s presence and evil can be here too. 


Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11 But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.” 12 The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.”

The discussion comes to Job. God put his name into play.  Let’s point out that God saw Job.  Satan saw Job.  God knew who Job was.  Satan knew who Job was.  God knows you.  Satan may be familiar with some of you as well. 

God’s view – he’s my servant.  And that is high praise, right?  For God to call us a servant.  Paul said that he was a servant of God.  This has to be one of the most beautiful things that we could possibly be called.  It’s truly remarkable.  And it’s a great reminder that we’re not here to please ourselves.  We’re here to make God happy.  God is the one who can bless what we do.  God is the one who puts a hedge about us.  We desperately need that. 

God invites him to consider Job.  Have you set your heart, your thinking on Job?  You want to talk about all of the bad in the world, what about MY servant, Job.  He’s legitimate. 

Satan’s View – Job is selfish and only fears God because of God’s goodness.  If you take away all the good stuff, he will curse you to your face.  What is the goal of evil?  The goal of evil is that Job gets wrecked and curseS God to his face.

That’s the accusation.  Job isn’t true.  His loyalty isn’t real.  You built a hedge around him.  Job was fenced in and blessed.  He was hands off.  He had Your protection.  That’s the only reason he’s faithful.  But once you remove the good in his life – he’ll blast you. 

We looked at cursing God and it’s to take God lightly.  When you’re talking about treating God as if he’s nothing.  And you’re doing that to God’s face, that’s quite a statement.  Not only will he treat you as nothing.  He will treat you as nothing in your presence.  Eye to eye, he’ll despise you!

People definitely have ulterior motives.  And perhaps some will be your friend just because of what they can get out of you.  They are selfish and you’d hope not to have those friends.  You want friends who are your friends just because you are and for no other reason. 

A true friend isn’t going to bail on someone just because there’s nothing to get out of the relationship.  You’re going to stay true no matter what.  It will be proved that Job actually cared about God.  He trusted God through thick and thin.  He didn’t understand what happened but he did have faith. 

This is a test of character.  Satan thinks that all people can be corrupted.  That all can be turned from following God.  I’m sure Satan had a lot of experience at flipping God’s people to the dark side. 

I’ve never understood why you’d want someone to do the wrong thing but Satan is that ruthless and his cohort doesn’t care either. 

Sometimes you’ll get tested.  Evil is going to put a hand on you.  Will you be ready for the test?