Who is Your All in All? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“You Are My All in All” by Maranatha Music

Devotional thought

We are prone to look for lesser things to fill us, or to “fulfill” us I should say. Why, when we have a Savior who is able and willing to be our all in all. There is a lot of temptations that promise us joy and fulfillment, but only One truly makes good on that promise – the Lord Jesus Christ!

He is our strength when we are weak, our source and our salvation. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Father’s plan to redeem us, to save us from a life of destruction and pain. He is the Lamb of God who took our sin and shame and nailed them to the cross, and is worthy of all our worship!

When we fall down He is right there to pick us up! When we are dry He fills our cup. He sustains us and we can find all we need in Him! So, why do we look to lesser things?

Let’s commit today to making Jesus our all in all, and to allow Him to satisfy all of our deepest longings. He will, if we will only let Him. We need to repent where we have looked to other things for our fulfillment and make the choice to allow our Savior to fulfill us from now on.


My Heavenly Father, I praise Your matchless name for supplying all of my needs in Christ! I praise You that You are my all in all, and I repent of trying to find satisfaction in other, lesser things. I choose now to allow You to be my “Bread of life”, my satisfaction. In Jesus Name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • 2 Cor 12:10,
  • Ps 99:3,
  • John 1:29,
  • Rev 5:12-13,
  • Col 2:13-15,

Memory Verse