A Church-Wide Collective Initiative
Join us as we begin our 40 Daily Devotionals called, “Face to FaceWith Jesus – a Lenten Meditation”. Cultivate your relationship with God by participating in a Church-wide initiative to seek God together starting on March 10, 2025.
Jesus spent 40 Days fasting and seeking His heavenly Father. We remember the sacrifices of Christ during Lent and especially
His epic sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world. Lent is our 40 days of remembrance, reflection, self-examination, repentance, fasting, and preparation for the coming of Good Friday and Easter. May God do a greater work in our life through this time.
Please follow the steps below and read the 40 Days of Seeking God initiative and Fast Friday details!
Collectively, we will be following a devotional plan via our Eagleville Bible Church App & our Eagleville Website called, “Face to Face with Jesus – a Lent Meditation”.
You can access this here on our website. You can also participate by going to our Eagleville app on your phone.
We look forward to this season of increased reflection and prayer. We encourage you to pray as individuals/families and also to set apart the following dates for fasting with a specific focus:
Since Christ fasted for 40 days, we encourage you to give something up during this time to remind you of His sacrifices for us.
(Ex: chocolate, coffee, pizza, bread, TV, social media, certain habits, etc.)
If you want to follow along with our 40 Days of Seeking God via our phone app, follow these instructions.
Click one of the images below to be redirected to your app store and download the Eagleville Bible Church app.
You can find 40 Days on the bottom main menu.